Osteopathy: A system or, Science of healing that uses the natural resources of the body for the adjustment of its structure, to stimulate the preparation and distribution of the fluids and forces of the body and, promote coordination and harmony in the body mechanism.  Dr. JM Littlejohn, DO  

The basic principle of Osteopathy is Articulation. Giving the body back to itself.

Osteopathy follows the philosophy of "treat the patient, not the disease". It does not focus on treating symptoms but instead in discovering the source of the bodies dis-ease. 

With very few exceptions, the full body is assessed and treated in every treatment.

Treatments are adapted to the requirements of each patient. No treatment is ever the same. Classical Osteopathy follows the needs of each individual body in each and every treatment. No two treatments are ever the same.

All treatments take into consideration joints, soft tissues, ligaments, connective tissues and fascia as well as, circulation (arterial, vienous, lymhatic and nervous):  

The body is assessed and treated by taking it through motions it would normally perform.  Manipulative techniques are designed to restore normal function and, facilitate the bodies own self- healing processes.

" Physiological Physics"


What to expect during an osteopathic treatment

Initially patients receive a thorough assessment of their medical history to help establish an understanding of whole body health. The examination includes postural assessment, neurological examination and, orthopaedic tests.

Treatment is done over comfortable clothing or, patient gown


How Does Osteopathy Differ from Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapist's work similar to Osteopath's but, their emphasis lies in addressing muscular imbalance through exercise. The amount of emphasis a physiotherapist places on hands on treatment varies with individual physiotherapist's. Due to time constraints, most tend to work exclusively with exercise prescriptions.

How Does Osteopathy Differ from Chiropractic?

The fundamental philosophy behind Chiropractic is that all disease within the body has its origins within restrictions of the spine. Osteopath's release restrictions within the vertebrae and, joints of the spine much like Chiropractor's do but, also work with the whole body includng the cranium and organs to address diseases and disorders.

Most importantly Osteopath’s address fascia (the stuff covering and holding everything together)

Basic Principles of Osteopathy

* A person is a complete dynamic unit

* Structure and function are interrelated at all levels

* Every Body has the ability to self heal, repair and defend itself against disease and injury once imbalances impeding these processes are treated.

Osteopathy recognizes that a balance between, body, mind and spirt is necessary for optimum health.

How we handle stress and trauma has a tremendous impact on our physiology and health or lack thereof

What Can Osteopathy Treat ?

Osteopathy has no limits of what it can treat however, is best known as being one of the best therapies for the Relief of Pain, often working after all other options have failed.

Disorders of muscle, tendons and joints. Symptoms can vary from mild aches and pains to severe pain and, disability.

* Muscle and tendon injuries                                         * Fibromyalgia

* Joint pain                                                                      * Sports injuries

* Spinal pain                                                              * Repetitive strain injuries

* Neck and shoulder pain                                               * Digestive disorders

* Headaches and migraines                                            * Stress, depression, fatigue

* Sciatica                                                                           * Acute and chrinic conditions

Osteopathy is suitable for everyone from newborn infants to the very elderly. Treatment is gentle and can be altered to each patient's comfort level.