Form and Function. Increase Athletic Ability.Member of:Association of Animal Osteopaths (AAO)International Association for Veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy (IAVRPT)

Form and Function. Increase Athletic Ability.

Member of:

Association of Animal Osteopaths (AAO)

International Association for Veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy (IAVRPT)

Berdan Veterinary Osteopathy

Beth Berdan is one of only a few Animal Osteopath’s in Canada. Trained and mentored in Britain and Australia with The “Father of Animal Osteopathy” Dr. Stuart McGregor, DO

Like Humans, most animals have muscle and bony imbalances which can cause them aches and pains. Whether from faulty conformation or trauma, these imbalances effect how your animal moves and functions.

Spay/Neuter and, Castration scars can also cause decreases in joint mobility.

As with humans, Osteopathy realigns the structure and releases adhesions thereby opening up circulation and lymphatic channels which deliver needed nutrients to the brain, muscles and bones. Nerve conduction issues are also corrected ensuring maximum athletic potential can be reached.

Treatment is focused to musculoskeletal and neurological disorders.

Involved in an ongoing research project of Osteopathic treatments to help eliminate and,or decrease the incidence of Exertional Rhabdomyolysis (Tying Up) in both Standardbred racehorses and canine agility and sporting dogs.

Treatments do not replace and,are intended to work in conjunction with your veterinarian and regular veterinary care.

Small Animals $60 cat/ 75-90 dog

Large Animals $225

HST inclusive

Travel: $ 0.60 klm beyond 30klm return trip from Guelph. Travel discounted or waived when treating multiples at same location.